Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Some Creepy Stuff And Some "Oh Dear!!" And "Heavy Sigh" Stuff

Whatever are we going to do?

Lululemon recall over see-through material could lead to yoga pants shortage

You know, some people are terrified of bats. I'm not. But show me something like this and I really creep out. I don't care how many bats they eat. I guess I'm an arachnophobe. I mean, that's gotta be irrational, right?

Want your education paid for? Take something useful
"The number of Canadians pursuing useless post-secondary degrees, often on borrowed money, has apparently gotten under the Prime Minister’s skin. Mr. Harper, it is reported, is growing increasingly frustrated that there are hundreds of thousands of job vacancies that Canadian employers need filled, but remain open because Canadians lack the skills or training. This results in Canada needing hundreds of thousands of temporary foreign workers while youth unemployment languishes at double the national rate. This is putting a real damper on our economic productivity at a time when governments at every level are desperate to boost growth."
"But if governments, federal or provincial, really want to tackle this problem, it will require some very tough love indeed. Governments provide huge money to students, whether through grants, scholarships or loans. It’s time to only direct that support toward university or college programs that will meet the needs of the economy. Everyone would retain the right to go into Women’s Studies or, as I did, military history, but on your own dime. If you want the government’s help getting educated, you have to do something the national economy needs."
Well said!

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