Monday, April 23, 2012

Compare and Contrast...

...these quotations from the journal kept by Samuel Hearne, early Canadian explorer and Hudson's Bay Company man. This journal was created in the late 1700s and contains references to a retreating treeline in what is now Northern Canada.

Fast forward to today, when we are treated this this bit of climate change hysteria:

Native prairie key to Sask.'s future Province vulnerable to climate change
""A NASA study came out while we were working on it to show which parts of the world are particularly sensitive to climate change, and of course the Prairies came out as a big red spot," he said.

As the province becomes drier, he said this will likely push the treeline north since there will no longer be enough water to sustain the forest.

"We have this boundary line between forest in the north and grassland in the south," Thorpe said. "South of that boundary line, it just gets too dry for forests to be sustained."

This means some of the province's prized lakelands, such as the area around Waskesui, could conceivably be nearly devoid of trees within this century, he said."
It's deja vu all over again. Except Saskatchewan's treeline is waaaaaaaay south of Ellesmere Island, where trees apparently once grew.

Things change, folks. Tree lines advance and retreat. Nothing is certain in this world but death, taxes and change. Oh. And a large number of "scientists" who don't know a thing about change, a distressing number of whom work for NASA.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea, NASA bet on the wrong horse this time.

April 24, 2012 7:42 am  

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