Monday, February 20, 2012

Heavy, Heavy Sigh

"An Ottawa man hurled his two-year-old son from an Australian bridge this weekend before jumping to his own death, witnesses say."
""(Lees') kindness to students, his gentlemanly approach and enthusiasm for teaching were acknowledged by students, parents and staff alike," Hensman told the Courier-Mail".
Why? Oh why? Oh why? First of all, why are some people so inclined to presenting a totally false front? Secondly, if you were depressed and ready to commit suicide, why take your little boy with you?

The world just sucks. I'm not usually all negative and forlorn about the world, but this one, or, for that matter, any story that involves the senseless killing or abuse of little children is one that makes me very, very depressed. There has to have been help out there for this man. Sir, you could have sought help for your child's sake, at the very least.

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