CBC Visits Again
Labels: CBC, sitemeter sightings
"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it." * Martin Luther King Jr. // * "There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them." * George Orwell // Want to contact the Stubble Jumping Redneck? Shoot her an email @ oldweesie@sasktel.net
Labels: CBC, sitemeter sightings
Louise, all the major search engines are constantly surfing all over the web. They have massive databases and look for the metatags in your webpage source code and keywords to index. Here's an intro on how they work.
You likely get visited by google and the other major search engines, like yahoo, on a regular basis.
So, some CBC troglodyte either surfed by using a bookmark or did a keyword search involving "CBC" "budget" "privatize" or some such.
See, you're making more of an impact than you thought! :-)
Of course. I never thought of that and yes, Google.bot accounts for at least 30%-40% of my hits.
Stubble Jumping Redneck really is a lonely little blog in the far reaches of the blogosphere wilderness. (Cue up the pity music.)
And another thing. God, I wish I had half the knowledge you have. I sometimes wonder how big your head must be to contain all that knowledge. LOL!!
I take that back. I think googlebot.com accounts for somewhere between 10% to 20%.
I wish sitemeter would tell me more about who's visiting.
I can tell when you have visited because sitemeter shows where the ISP provider is located. So I can look at the time you post a comment (it shows my time and the poster's time) and compare that time with what sitemeter says about the who the visitors ISP is at approximately the same time.
I know your ISP is not far from where you live, or at least the "local" node is.
What's not very easy to tell is whether someone has my blog bookmarked or has followed a link from one of the few blogs that have mine in their blogroll, or if they've simply done a search using keywords that point them to my blog.
Most of my hits are from Canada and of those, it seems I have a few regular readers. My blog does show up on one or two American blogger's blogrolls and at least one Israeli blogger. Now, Ive probably said too much.
Thanx for the compliment. Having a large pointed head helps contain my brains. :-)
My ISP usually shows up as in West Chester, Pa, which is about 15 miles away; or Cherry Hill, NJ, which is about 75 miles away. Go figure.
BTW, apropos of nothing, I came across a fascinating bit of English history/lore this evening. We know the very rural area of Dartmoor mainly as the home of Doyle's "Hound of the Baskervilles". It was also visited by the Devil himself during the Great Thunderstorm. Neat folklore!
Hmmm. What shows up on sitemeter every single time you comment is Downingtown, which I had never heard of, so after curiosity got the better of me, I looked it up in an atlas. Your provider is Comcast, but they're all over the US, so that doesn't narrow it down too much.
My own visits almost invariably show up as Assiniboia, which is a largish town about 120 miles west of here as the crow flies, which surprises me, since Regina, the capital city, with a much larger population (over 200,000, which is big by Saskatchewan standards and seemingly easier to attract and keep techie people) is only about 45 or 50 miles away. It's all mysterious to me.
Mine ISP is Sasktel,and it sucks. Maybe there are no humans standing guard in Assiniboia.
And, a severe thunderstorm in 1638? Can't be. It's only been the last few years or so that severe weather has been visited on the planet, you know.
And on those few occasions where it's not Assiniboia, then it's Moosomin, which is about 122 miles directly east of here (on the TransCanada Highway, like my home town is), but really close to the Manitoba border.
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