Friday, February 10, 2012

Where Should I Start?

The future looks good, no matter which way you cut it.

How west was won: Alberta, Sask., to lead for years
"We learned from the census this week that economic and political clout is shifting west, where natural resources are driving provincial economies.

Economists at Toronto-Dominion Bank went a step further, with economic projections that show Alberta and Saskatchewan will lead Canada in growth for years."

CBC braces for budget cut of unknown size
"The head of the CBC says he fears that imminent budget cuts might affect programming and is anxious to learn what percentage of funding he will lose.

In a speech to the Montreal Board of Trade, Hubert Lacroix said Friday that he's wondering whether the looming cuts will keep the CBC from fulfilling the objectives set out in its latest strategic review.

The comments come as the Harper government prepares deep spending reductions in its upcoming budget, with departments being asked to prepare scenarios for clawbacks of either five or 10 per cent.

"The questions preoccupying me right now, just a few weeks before the (federal) budget, are very simple: How many dollars will be taken away, and how quickly?" Lacroix said."
"CBC/Radio-Canada receives $1.1 billion a year. The Crown corporation already cut $171 million from its budget two years ago and eliminated 800 jobs at the time.

In his speech, Lacroix said there was no viable public model for Canadian broadcasting to survive without government support -- not even in the private sector."
"According to Lacroix, the CBC costs each Canadian $34 per year and offers quality service for that money."
You know, Mr. Lacroix, my grandchildren, who are 3, 3, 1 and 10 months old respectively, will be so happy that they only have to cough up $34 each to pay for the CBC.  Give me a break!! They don't have an income that can be taxed.

Oh, and my daughter and my daughter-in-law are both stay at home moms. They don't pay the $34, either. It's only the bread winners in these types of families who pay, and when you take out the dependent minors and the stay-at-home parents, the per payor levy is a lot more than $34. And what is it for? A television and radio service that only a tiny fraction of those payors ever consume.

Why don't you lefties quit spouting that big lie? Instead of giving us the "per capita", why don't you tell us what each actual tax payer has to cough up? 

In any case, I have a suggestion. How about cutting your budget by $1.1 billion and start preparing your death bed?

Note that this article is written by CBC's principal competitor, CTV. They must be squirming with delight.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beat them at their own game: don't pay. Deduct what CBC costs your family from your income tax return. I don't know, under investment councelling or something. Be creative, the CBC claims to be and uses that concept to thumb their noses at FOI on their expenditures.

Imagine that. A taxpayer funded dept of government telling the government that they are above government overstite. I'm amazed they're still in business. Says a lot of a government that succumbs to that kind of attitude. Weak, vascillating, toadies to their employees.


February 11, 2012 9:38 am  
Blogger Louise said...

Jeeze, I forgot to put a link to the article I'm quoting. But you've got a good idea about withholding taxes.

February 11, 2012 10:04 am  
Blogger Louise said...

Fixed. Found the article and have posted a link.

February 11, 2012 10:53 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a shame that a farmer's daughter from Saskatchewan would pile on the anti-CBC bandwagon. When Hubert says there's no way to do public broadcasting without public money he's right. Look at the competition; you can basically count their bureaus on your fingers. The CBC reaches in to small cities, rural and northern Canada, and that's not cheap.

After the Second World War the CBC became a vital service for farmers, and was the first national service to broadcast the price of commodities and animals, putting many shysters out of business.

The CBC is and always will be a good deal for Canadians. I can't understand the Republican style hate of the corporation that has emerged in some small pockets of the country.

February 12, 2012 11:27 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

Get your head out of your ass, sweetheart. There's nothing in your comment that justifies spending $1.1 billion of taxpayers dollars on a government funded propaganda machine.

Any television or radio station can do what you are lauding the CBC about.

There is a clear danger in having a broadcaster dependent on government for its survival. Look at what state funded are broadcasters are ordered to do in places where brutal dictators are in charge.

And besides that, there is a big lie being floated out there by many on the left, including The Friends of Canadian Broadcasting's director, Ian Morrison, and Lacoix himself, and that lie is the per capita cost.

Only about half of Canadians actually produce an income, (babies, school age children, post-secondary students, seniors and other people on fixed low incomes, etc. do not) so the per capita cost is a lot higher. And all we get for it is left-wing screeds, which, like yours, are too often base on the distant past.

And in that half are included people who work for CBC's competitors. How fair is that?

IF, and that's a big if, the CBC is providing a useful service, they should be able to survive as a for-profit institution, funded by advertizers, which are looking for large audiences. The CBC, in its present form, seems incapable of delivering that. Let them swim with the sharks, like all other broadcasters have to do, or sink.

"I can't understand the Republican style hate of the corporation that has emerged in some small pockets of the country."

Get out of Toronto, then. The world has obviously passed you by. There's an apt description for ideologies like yours,namely, stuck-on-stupid.

And by the way, I see you're on a first name basis with Hubert Lacoix. Are you employed by the CBC or otherwise very close to the Corpse?

Another by the way, farmers are a vanishing breed. Every five years, when the census is completed, it seems there's fewer and fewer of them. But even at that, most of them are online and are quite capable of obtaining what information they need without the left-wing screeds. Publicly funded broadcasters are an anachronism. I know that's a big word, but you can look it up.

February 13, 2012 7:23 am  
Blogger Louise said...

And another thing, the Second World War was over 66 years ago. Trust me. We really have moved on since then, even if the left hasn't. Things that might have been a good idea at the time are not necessarily today. At least we evil right-wing Republican-like thinkers have moved on. (Nice swipe at Americans, pal. I suppose we can thank the CBC for that, too.)

February 13, 2012 7:28 am  

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