Friday, December 16, 2011

Time For Another Memory Lane Trip

I was a very, very young teen, or younger, when this stuff was on the "transistor radios".  I had one, BTW, which was constantly glued to my ear. They don't make music like this today.  My God, what a long time ago!  And Oh My God, the HAIRDOS!!

/old fartdom


Thinking about how much society has changed since then, I don't think we younger ones even knew what "Will you still love me tomorrow" really implied, when we fell in love with that song. And so many of the songs of that era were scandalous in our parent's eyes. Look at the way they moved!

Those were the days when  -  or rather -  if a girl became pregnant she was sent away to live with "some aunt" or something (ya, sure) until the baby was born and then the baby was given up for adoption and everyone back home secretly, quietly knew what was going on but nobody said anything, - or - she was married off to the young guy who had knocked her up. None of this out of wed-lock teen motherhood crap.  My God, was there really a time like that?  And what of this one:  "I will follow him, wherever he may go..."  Holy crap!! Oh, the loss of innocence!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the big recording companies can't figure out why record sales are down. Gee maybe it's the crap they try to pass off as "music" now.

December 16, 2011 10:02 pm  
Blogger Dave in Pa. said...

Louise, you have excellent taste in Golden Oldies! (That's to say, it agrees with mine. :-)

Here's another good one.

And I have to agree with anonymous also. What passes for pop music today is awful. And as for rap music, just put a c in front of rap and that's what it is!

December 17, 2011 2:54 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

I could have gone on and on, but I had to stop somewhere. That was a great era in music.

December 17, 2011 4:14 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

They had good cars then, too.

December 17, 2011 4:47 pm  

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