Sunday, December 18, 2011

Man, Do I Ever Hate It...

...when Canada gets recognition for crap like this:

More on Canada's Serial Censor

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Blogger Dave in Pa. said...

Where and how did the magnificent Anglosphere concept of Freedom of Speech degenerate to a fallacious right not to be offended?

Here in the Great Satan, we consider that people have inherent natural rights, a gift of God and unalterable by any government. These rights include, but are not limited to, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of the Press, the Freedom to Keep and Bear Arms.

Focusing in a civil liberties case on the rights of free expression, these rights were aptly described by the great American Supreme Court jurist and civil libertarian Louis Brandeis as "the Free Marketplace of Ideas".

If these rights don't mean the right to express ideas that make some others' blood boil, but only mean the right to utter only the comfortable, the non-controversial, the Politically Correct, the "everybody knows" platitudes, then these Freedoms mean nothing.

So-called "hate speech" laws are inherently censorship and are therefore inherently inimicable to any free, democratic society.

December 18, 2011 3:48 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

I'm currently holding my breath, as the offensive section 13 is, one hopes, soon to be history, but there are still provincial human rights codes that need to be scrapped.

But, the tarnished image of Canada is out there in the world and even if we clean house at home, it will take a very long time for that image to change. Sorta a variation on Mark Twain's bit about a lie traveling half way around the world before the truth puts its shoes (pants?) on.

December 18, 2011 4:25 pm  

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