Sunday, November 27, 2011

Optimism and Egypt's Revolution

Watch this panel discussion. At about 2:20 minutes in Thabit Abdullah channels me. This so called Arab Spring won't happen overnight. Look at previous "revolutions", most notably the French Revolution. They got rid of their king and, eventually, after a lot of gruesome bloodletting, got an emperor in his place. But eventually, democracy prevailed. Look at how long the good people of Prague had to wait following their "spring" (the namesake of this one) before communism fell.

Will the revolution eat its own children? Some of them, perhaps, but ideals and ideas will live on.

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Blogger peterj said...

When the revolution is finished we probably won't like what we see. As long as we back Israel we will be seen as spawn of the devil in all muslim countries. Not saying we shouldn't back Israel. Just saying there is a price to pay for that. In the future it will probably be seen as a mistake that we helped get rid of Musharraf, just as it was a mistake to get rid of Sadam. He was a piece of work but he was the stability in the region.

November 27, 2011 3:50 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

If I'm still around, I hope to be able to say "I told you so." But then again, I'm an eternal optimist.

November 27, 2011 5:16 pm  

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