Sunday, November 20, 2011

Further To...

...this, here's another article about caribou and their habitat:

Scientists find herd of 'lost' caribou in Saskatchewan
"A vast herd of northern caribou that scientists feared had vanished from the face of the Earth has been found, safe and sound -- pretty much where aboriginal elders said it would be all along.

"The Beverly herd has not disappeared," said John Nagy, lead author of a recently published study that has biologists across the North relieved.

Those scientists were shaken by a 2009 survey on the traditional calving grounds of the Beverly herd, which ranges over a huge swath of tundra from northern Saskatchewan to the Arctic coast. A herd that once numbered 276,000 animals seemed to have completely disappeared, the most dramatic and chilling example of a general decline in barren-ground caribou."
"Nunavut government biologist Mitch Campbell, one of Nagy's co-authors, said early results from a survey of the rediscovered herd suggest Beverly numbers are lower than their peak, but remain healthy.

"There's no indication that the herd is as large as it used to be," he said. "We did find a healthy size caribou population there.

"We saw lots of calves. The animals seem to be in good condition."

While scientists are excited, aboriginal elders are more likely to shrug."
"Long-term information on caribou was sketchy, but numbers did seem to be declining at the same time as mining exploration and development was expanding. Nobody wanted to be the biologist on whose watch the caribou disappeared, said Campbell.

"We were all freaking out," he said.

"We knew that there was development and things going on in that area. What would be the responsible thing to do -- just keep going until we know, or to say: 'Put the brakes on. We've got a problem?'

"That's what we all did."

Campbell and Thompson agree that the Beverly herd is likely to eventually return and that both calving grounds must be protected.

But for now, it's just good to know the caribou are still around, said Thompson.

"We haven't screwed up and lost a major caribou herd after all.""
But oh no. They sky is falling! The sky is falling!

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Blogger Dave in Pa. said...

"Thompson heard -- the same.

"Many of the community people reported that elders think this is nothing new. Caribou move."

Next time, said Campbell, scientists should pay them a little more mind.

"We needed to engage the communities much sooner," he said. "The communities were the first to say this may not be an issue."

Still, he defends the previous science."

Of course, he does. Even when flat, dead-ass wrong. Gaia forbid one admits a mistake! Just like the bought-and-paid-for warmist scientists, confronted with ever more evidence that they also are flat, dead ass wrong. Too much money and policy invested, too much ego invested to -drum roll, please- admit they were wrong, are wrong.

If they keep it up, science will begin to suffer the same abysmally low esteem and credibility levels with large numbers of the public as does MSM "journalism".

November 20, 2011 2:54 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

"Long-term information on caribou was sketchy, but numbers did seem to be declining at the same time as mining exploration and development was expanding."

Didn't we learn in grade school that correlation does not prove cause and effect? And these people call themselves "scientists"???

November 20, 2011 3:16 pm  

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