Sunday, October 30, 2011

Well, My Jaw Seems To Have...

...dropped right off...

Mahmoud Abbas: Remarkable Revelations In Israeli TV Interview

Not only does he admit to Arabs making a mistake, but it's the big one. The really, really big one!!!
"The Palestinian president, in a remarkable assessment delivered on Israeli TV, said Friday the Arab world erred in rejecting the United Nations' 1947 plan to partition Palestine into a Palestinian and a Jewish state."
So. Tomorrow we can expect a withdrawal or denial from Abbas, or perhaps an assassination. After all, we can't admit to 65 years of stupid, fruitless effort, can we. Blowing shit up just isn't the way, but that's all we know how to do, isn't it Palis. Oh my. What are the anti-Israeli apartheid crowd going to do with this?

Or maybe this is just another round of hudna or taqiyya. Who knows?

In any case, Yassir Arafat's bones are a'rattling.

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Blogger Dave in Pa. said...

My immediate reaction is that this is part of Abbas' ploy to appear to be relatively more reasonable and amenable to negotiation and compromise. This is propaganda for the benefit of the liberal wing of the Israeli populace, who are more wont to believe what the facts don't support, that Abbas & Co. are actually willing to negotiate in good faith, compromise and make peace with Israel. They are not. It's a variant of taqiyya, IMO.

October 31, 2011 12:01 am  
Blogger Louise said...

Well, having been born two years after the UN partition plan and the creation of the state of Israel, I've never known anything but armed or at least violent conflict (unless you can call rocks armaments) between the Pals and the Israelis, not to mention three or four wars which the Arabs started and lost, oh, and did I mention numerous opportunities for peace, of which only a handful Arab states accepted and then only with lukewarm enthusiasm, I fully expect to die before that conflict is solved. They must be aiming for the longest conflict ever.

You'll recall I told you the other day that my ex and I were in Egypt in 1973. A day or two before we left, the streets of Cairo were rumbling with tanks and army trucks loaded with soldiers and after 38 hours in airplanes, tarmacs and airports we finally made it home, only to learn the Yom Kippur war had broken out.

So if anyone wants to believe that one was started by Israel, they can come talk to me. Egypt was mobilizing before we left and the war began while we were en route.

October 31, 2011 8:59 am  
Blogger Dave in Pa. said...

I was just thinking. If I were Israeli, I'd have lived through the 1956 war, the 1967 war, the 1973 war, the 1982 war, the two Intifadas, the 2006 war, the Gaza incursion. Plus of course, the constant terrorism between all this war.

Israelis are conscripted at 18, serve 2 years active duty, the men are in the Reserves until age 50. Therefore, if I were Israeli, I'd have served (just barely) in the 1967 war, the 1973 war, the 1982 war, both Intifadas.

If I'd married in my mid-20s and immediately started a family, my kids would have served in the 1982 war, both Intifadas, the 2006 war and the Gaza incursion.

I suspect there's statistically a significant chance that I or one of my children would have been killed and a statistical probability that I or one one of my children would have been wounded at some point in all this war. Still guessing but I think it a near certainty that I would have known one or more fellow soldiers who were killed in one of the wars or known one or more civilians who were killed by terrorists.

What's truly amazing is that tiny Israel has not just survived but thrived since it's 1948 War of Independence. Israel is one of the most prosperous per capita countries in the world; is a world leader in science and technology, with 11 Nobel Prize laureates in science, technology, medicine. The commentor Pat Condell has likened Israel to a diamond in a sea of mud. A pretty apt metaphor, I think.

October 31, 2011 11:23 am  

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