Thursday, September 15, 2011

There Are Certain Questions....

...that Al Gore doesn't like being asked:

After all, he has a whole bunch of people in his camp:

Meanwhile, here is this very cold country, new cold records were set yesterday in several communities in Saskatchewan, and this is a region that is highly dependent on agriculture. Oops.

Notice the chart showing how long such records have been kept. We kinda fixate on that here in knuckledraggerland.

Having done a lot of historical research about Saskatchewan during the days of the early settlers and attempts to farm, I can tell you that extremely cold weather in the early fall was a serious problem from time to time during that era, and that's the main reason the University of Saskatchewan (in Saskatoon) and the old Agricultural Research Station right here in my home town , put a lot of effort into developing and testing strains of wheat that had a shorter growing season. Look up Marquis wheat, for example.

I kinda like the idea of living in a warmer climate. It's better for agriculture.  My farming cousins, one set of which have been farming the original homestead since 1882, will appreciate it, too, and are, today, highly dependent on fossil fuels.  The ancestors in 1882 had to break sod with animal drawn plows on a fraction of the acreage the cousins have today. We don't want to go back, thank you very much.

In the meantime, build the damn pipeline!!  After all, a heck of a lot more people profit in an agriculture conducive climate, than one's like Al Gore profit from promoting a scam. It really is a matter of life versus death, but not the way Gore and his groupies want us to believe.

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