Oh, Liberals!!
A cat, a dead woman, and a rival politician walk into the Alberta leadership vote...
"The official Opposition threw open its doors in late May, creating a category of “supporters,” who didn’t need to buy a membership, but could vote in its leadership race. It was a groundbreaking move meant to rejuvenate the party ranks, one that Liberal MP Scott Brison believes the federal party should consider."Why not, Scott. You've already got CBC on side.
What's the cat for? Those of your members who belong to PETA?
And Rahim Jaffer? Didn't you engage in paroxysms of delight at his expense a year or two ago?
Politics. Bedfellows. Liberals. Very, very strange.
But isn't that emblematic of the Liberal Party today? They have no idea of who they are or what they should stand for.
Labels: AARRRRRRGGGHHHH, Canadian politics, Capital "L" Liberalism, Liberal Party, you can't make this shit up
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