Monday, August 15, 2011

The Battle Has Been Joined

A decision about the Keystone XL Pipeline is in the works.

I'm looking forward to weeks/months of hysteria as the decision process lurches forward.

Lines have been drawn.





Upwards of eight or more governments (Federal in two countries, as well as state and provincial) are involved, not to mention a myriad of associations and non-profit societies on either side of the issue, including an assortment of nobodies who know nothing about the oil industry, including one Climate Change fraudster, James Hansen, and, of course, Holly weird types. (What would a left-wing cause be without its Holly weird types?)

Each side is also bringing out its "scientists" or whatever.

Some nasty tactics are being employed, or at least alleged. Protests are planned, and lobbyists dispatched, and lawsuits filed.

What will Hillary's decision be? And can The One justify letting her kill all those potential jobs, considering the economic climate he has fostered? Can he calculate the political balance sheet of a scenario in which a handful of environuts stand to be disappointed, while thousands of his unemployed countrymen who blame him and his party for their joblessness, stand to lose their best hope of gainful employment, especially in an election year, which is when this pipeline business will get going in earnest, if approved?

In the meantime, China can be very patient. It's one of the oldest civilizations on the planet and it's where carbon based fuel was first used several millennia ago.

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