Friday, July 15, 2011

Shit!! Thanks A Lot!

U.S. department of justice nixes extradition request for Randy Quaid, wife Evi
"Santa Barbara district attorney Joyce Dudley says only the department of justice can seek extradition from a foreign jurisdiction.

She says in explaining the denial, the justice department cited the resource-intensive and lengthy process involved and noted that extradition is generally reserved for more serious offences."
Now we'll have all sorts of kooks and nutbars fleeing to Canada.

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Blogger Dave in Pa. said...

You're welcome! ;-)

Unfortunately, you've been getting thousands and thousands of kooks and dirtbags, starting with Vietnam War draft dodgers and deserters ... and continuing to the present, with a good number of deserters from the War on Terror. IMO, they are cowards who realized "Hey, I'm about to be sent to Iraq or Af-stan, where those icky Muslims might kill me!" and rationalized their cowardice with a new-found pacifism. They fled to Canada, where they found aid and comfort from The Usual Suspects in the hard left.

In times past, both our countries, not deeply infected with the moral disease of liberalism, knew how to handle deserters in wartime. Speedy extraditions, courts-martial and either death sentences or lengthy prison sentences.

Today, instead, Canada's hard left makes these dirtbags folk-heroes and get the vapors over the very idea of extraditing them back to the Great Satan. There's a sub-species of all those lawyers making money defending indigent criminals at public expense, keeping their client class in as short a money-generating recycle cycle as possible with a revolving door justice system. The sub-species, those oh-so-noble "human rights" lawyers, can also stick their snouts into the Canadian public trough for a good feed defending these "victim" "folk heroes".

July 15, 2011 8:34 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

There haven't been that many recently. Most, if not all, of the so called "war resisters" were sent back, since they were seen as people who had walked out of a contract they had voluntarily entered into, not like the draft dodgers who were actually fleeing forced conscription into the armed forces.

There were a few of them seeking refuge at the beginning, and there was some coverage in the news about their legal battles to gain permission to stay in Canada, which they lost, and then there was no more mention of them.

I'm not sure if that meant that the tide was stemmed, or the news organs just didn't report it.

There was very little sympathy in Canada for the more recent batch, especially given that our young men and women were over in Afghanistan bleeding and dying for our American allies while these twerps were trying to avoid going to the very same war by coming to Canada.

Enroling in the armed forces and then running away when you might be expected to do what armed forces are expected to do isn't the same as being forced to join the forces in the first place.

But that was then, the late 60's and early 70's and this is now and unfortunately, we still suffer from the old image as a place to run and hide when the going gets tough.

That Viet Nam era thing, although a long time ago, is still fresh in many people's memories. My understanding of the more recent bunch is the Canadians who tried to help them included a lot of former draft dodgers from thirty/forty years ago who are now Canadian citizens. I'm sure you know the type. Still dressed like hippies, long after that era has passed. Still living in "alternative" communities and "resisting" whatever it is they think they are resisting.

July 15, 2011 9:32 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

Oh, and the Quaids are a prime example of the continuing mythology about Canada, a mythology, which unfortunately is kept alive by little enclaves of hippy-dippy types who live mostly in the big cities, like Vancouver.

Evi Quaid didn't know her father was a Canadian citizen until after the two arrived in Canada (which I think says something about her. I mean who doesn't know important details like that about your parent?), so there must have been something else that told them that Canada would be a good place to hide.

But seriously, these two are evading serious charges involving trashing private property. They are not taking a principled stand against anything. They are just common criminals and a US court has decided we can have them. They don't want 'em. Sooooo --- thanks a lot.

July 15, 2011 9:44 pm  

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