Sunday, July 10, 2011

Hi Honey, What's For Supper?


Blogger Dave in Pa. said...

The other end of the spectrum is the Martin-Baker Company's "Ejection Tie Club". Every flyer saved by a Martin-Baker ejection seat is given a membership in this club, plus a special tie and cufflink set.

Martin-Baker, a British company, is generally considered by aviators and aviation engineers the designer-manufacturer of the world's best ejection seat systems for military aircraft. In business since the 50's, their ejection seats have saved the lives of (latest company count) 7,362 flyers from 92 air forces around the world. Their latest model is the ejection seat to be used in all the F-35 Joint Strike Fighters, which the CF is also planning to buy for it's next generation fighter-bomber. So, they'll also be protecting Canada's future military aviators.

Back in the Jurassic Era, when I was a USAF Life Support Systems tech, I was trained on the Martin-Baker ejection seat system used in all the nearly 7,000 F-4 fighter bombers built in the 60's, 70's and flown by the USAF, USN, USMC, RAF, RN, Israeli AF, Luftwaffe and other NATO Allied Air Forces. They are a true masterpiece of engineering and manufacture. Not only have Martin-Baker seats saved those 7,000+ lives, NO aviator has ever been lost due to a non-functioning or malfunctioning Martin-Baker ejection seat.

If I were a military pilot in an M-B-equipped aircraft, I'd find it enormously comforting to know I was sitting on one of their seats. I'd know that if the **** ever hit the fan, my M-B seat would save me.

July 11, 2011 12:02 pm  

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