Good News On The Immigration Front
The Feds are getting tough. Watch the video at the link. I almost fell off my chair laughing when they talked about the young "refugee" claimants from California who were seeking asylum because they were not allowed to smoke pot in California. Nice try, kiddies.
But seriously, it seems Jason Kenney is tackling this problem head on.
"“I think my predecessors were terrified that cracking down on the abuse of the asylum system would be misunderstood by new Canadians as being anti-immigrant, or saying that barbaric practices or that ancient hatreds and conflicts are not welcome in Canada would somehow be negatively perceived, or that cracking down on fake immigration marriages and crooked immigration consultants would somehow be misconstrued as being anti immigrant.”[---]
On the contrary. For the vast majority of immigrants who play by the rules to enter Canada legally, Kenney says they are the ones who insisted that it was time to force everyone to play by the rules. New legislation that’s expected to pass in the fall sitting of Parliament, will help address abuses of the system by unscrupulous human smugglers and those who abuse our asylum system to jump the queue.
“Our core message was very simple,” explained Kenney. “Vote your values. If you believe in entrepreneurialism, low taxes, a strong family unit, respect for tradition, respect for religious faith and you believe in democratic values, you’re probably a conservative.”"
"Canada will move toward more job nominee programs and limit family reunification, so elderly family members won’t immigrate here just in time to be a drain on our burdened medical system. That’s compassionate to Canadians who have paid taxes their entire working lives."AND.....1800 people are being stripped of their citizenship and will be deported because they became citizens through fraudulent means. But don't hold your breath. There's bound to be appeals.
And the usual suspects are howling. Let 'em howl. Hari Kari is fun to watch.
And then there's the good ole US of A.
Labels: immigration and refugee policy
I do remember reading a news story some years back that one of my B.C. pen-pals sent me back when Paul Martin was PM. The Can. Dept. of Justice acknowledged that there are a couple hundred war criminals who'd immigrated to Canada by fraudulently hiding their criminal past and got in under the radar. These were Nazis, Serbs, some African war criminals.
The Dept. further admitted that they'd lost track of them, didn't even know where they are. When reporters asked for their names for publication, the Dept. of Justice refused. Get this: it would be a breach of these war criminals' privacy rights to publish their names!
Hopefully, now that the adults are in charge of the Canadian Govt with a Parl. majority, these war criminals are part of that 1,800 that the Govt is finally taking action on.
Privacy rights!!! Amazing.
Jason Kenney for PM!
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