Wednesday, May 25, 2011


...the Prague Spring? Or the Hungarian Revolt?

How many more years after those rebellions did Eastern Europeans have to wait for communism to collapse? I'll tell you. Hungarians had to wait for nearly thirty years. The Czechs, twenty.

Well, there's two very interesting entries today in my favourite Middle Eastern blogs:

Syrian Protesters Burn Iranian, Russian, and Hezbollah Flags

Remember when those young people were protesting in the streets of Tehran a couple of years ago? They too were shouting "Down with Russia", not "Down with America". They and the Syrians know who their real enemies are.

And then there's the rantings of the Egyptian Sandmonkey: One Last Time

It's gonna happen, folks. Maybe not now, but some day, perhaps when the Sandmonkey is a lot older. The future belongs to the young and its leaders are emerging. Personally, I think Sandmonkey is this generation's answer to what Gamal Abdel Nasser was to the old guard Arab Nationalist movement that is now crumbling.

And while The One is no Ronald Reagan, he's changing his tune.

And the region's Islamofascists are very, very nervous. The cracks are showing.

I'll bet they were all, old guard, Islamist and young rebels alike, listening to Netanyahu's brilliant speech, which was obviously aimed at the young Arabs in the streets of Damascus and Cairo and their despotic overlords, as much as it was the American Congress and The One himself. Set aside 47 minutes, listen to it and see if you don't agree with me:

Complete Netanyahu History Making Speech to Congress May 24 2011 in HD

The Arabs may not have to wait as long as the Hungarians or the Czechs. And it may happen as quickly and as unexpectedly as the fall of the Berlin Wall. Especially if the youth are as wise as the Egyptian Sandmonkey. Just read what he says he wants in Egypt's constitution.

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Blogger Dave in Pa. said...

I watched Netanyahu's entire speech and I was very impressed. It put up an unanswerable defense to the Obama ploy and to the Euro-head-in-sand'ers, plus Israel's own left. And it was eminently logical and reasonable. Well done, PM Netanyahu!

May 26, 2011 8:48 am  

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