CBC Is Watching - Again
I wonder if he or she agrees with me or disagrees? I wonder if they gossip about me during the coffee breaks? Oh, to be a fly on the wall.
I hope I haven't scared them too much. I know what it must be like to fear that your job might just go poof. But, shit happens and life goes on. As American novelist, Ernest Hemingway said: "The world breaks everyone, but afterward, many are stronger in the broken places." So let me have a little heart to heart talk here.
Look, I know you folks are primarily left-leaning, and, as such, you think of yourselves as our betters, but once that notion is broken and your employer is cut away from the public teat, I trust you will have enough integrity to rise again with lessons learned and a deeper understanding of why state funded media is not a public good. That would be considered a spiritual awakening, and believe me, life goes so much better after you've arrived at the other end of a spiritual transformation. And that's because humility is so much greater a teacher than arrogance.
In the meantime, I invite you to read two more of my entries on the CBC: What to Do About the CBC and What to Do About the CBC - Part II
Labels: boring details, CBC, personal, sitemeter sightings
thought you would like this audio is good. are you watching cbc?
I've been listening to audio and video clips from all over the place today about this NPR fiasco. I even wrote about it here.
About CBC, I canceled my cable about four or five years ago and put my TV in storage, so no CBC viewing for me, unless I happen to be in a hotel or visiting relatives and what not. I'll watch streaming video on computer occasionally, but that's about it.
CBC is one of the main reasons I chose to go TV-less. It's not that they're so much worse than any other, either, just that the cost of the whole package was not worth what I was getting.
I don't like the tier structure where you have to pay for all kinds of crap to get the one or two channels you really want. And then, when there was a good program on that I wanted to watch, I never managed to be home or to remember it was on, so I was really wasting my money.
I occasionally listen to CBC radio when I'm driving way out in the sticks, because it's the only thing you can pull in when you're out on the flat prairie hundreds of miles from civilization.
Either way, I find I can only stomach a wee bit of it before I have to switch the dial or turn it off, so I know it hasn't changed any.
It's the internet and blogs that have become my new home, to the point that my knees are permanently flexed in the sitting position and when I close my eyes after getting into bed at night, I see images of text burned into my retinas. LOL!!
Not healthy, but at least it doesn't send my blood pressure through the roof, like CBC does. I was listening to/watching the video of CBC's AGM when your comment came through. They were at the "taking questions" portion of the agenda.
It struck me, yet again, that they are completely oblivious to the possibility that they are not serving Canada well. Every question raised that dealt with bias was met with a patronizing pat on the head coupled with a "we know better, now go back to your bibles and your guns" condescending tone.
The message has to be directed to the politicians, but I don't know if they are receptive. The Cons are too chicken shit and the Lieberals are too wedded to the corpse.
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same here i got rid of cable about a year ago .anyhow I'm a big fan of radio CBC used to be world class or maybe i didn't know any better being younger .i must be putting 10 hrs/day on Internet now .i dont think I'll be going on CBC anymore.hay d'you think wikileaks can get into cbc's books?
Which reminds me, I had another big blog entry about dear Julian Assange and his latest misadventures all prepared for posting and I hit something wrong and it went poof. I've been meaning to try and reconstruct it, but haven't found the time or the resolve.
In any case, I'm sure Juli will work on that CBC assignment as soon as he gets his server back up again and a place to live. You might have heard, Sweden denied him a residency permit and in order to work or set up a business in Sweden, one has to be a legal resident, so it's back to square one for the dear child. And he's pouting about everyone and everything. Poor Julian. :( BWHAHAHHA!
davieboy44 wrote:
Posted 2010/10/22
at 8:55 PM ETin the interest of fair play could we have another publicly funded media outlet that actually presents unbiased news instead of this platform that does nothing but bash Harper?look at ANY story and the comments would lead you to believe that all canadians hate Harper.i look forward to the demise of NPR and shortly after the CBC.7137Agree 13DisagreePolicy Report abuse
What story did you find that comment on? I'd like to read it and any others that might be sane.
good luck
you may find this interesting. i did.
where is maggy on this one?
With any luck at all maybe it's the Almighty CBCer wot decides who gets to leave comments on that crappy site, if so..."hey CBCer, could you pretty please with a cherry on top let my comments thru, thanks so much"...meh, what do you want for a billion bucks today?
i was wondering why CBC gets so many pro lib comments
must read barf warning
Do you think the Harper government will have the balls to do anything about that monstrosity? Nah. I didn't think so either.
that's a bit harsh i hope that they put the poor boy in the general prison population to help facilitate his return.
I meant the CBC, not the poor child.
Mind you.....
I'd like to ship the whole fam-dambily out of the country.
lots of fun on cbc today great post on headlines your doing your homework
Tried the TinyURL link and it won't let me in. Says my email is already in use, but it won't accept the password I normally use at CBC.
Maybe you could tell me the title of the article or clip and I'll do a search at CBC's website. I have my puke pail handy.
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