Sunday, September 26, 2010

Yup. The End of the Current Election Cycle... closing in.

Government to continue to wind down stimulus spending: Flaherty
"The Harper government recognizes that the economy is slowing but won’t alter plans to wind down stimulus spending in ways that would threaten its deficit-cutting goals, Finance Minister Jim Flaherty said Sunday."
In fact, it looks like a spring election.
"The report tomorrow will show that close to 22,500—or about 97 per cent—of the infrastructure projects linked to a mix of federal, provincial and municipal stimulus funds are underway, Mr. Flaherty said. The federal government is standing by its use-it-or-lose-it warning that it will pull its share of stimulus projects that fail to wrap up by Ottawa's deadline of March 31, 2011."
Right after the sod-turning and ribbon cutting.



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