Saturday, August 21, 2010

Two New Entries on My Blogroll

Check them out. They are:

Outremer United, under European. (I think it's Brit, but I haven't been able to confirm that yet. I'll move it to the proper place if and when I find out that's not the correct place for it.) In any case, it seems to be a place for the great unwashed, the common folk of the once "Great" Britain, which is sure to drive the lefties over the edge.

Flopping Aces under the American list. I linked to Flopping Aces earlier.

And Canadian blogger The Iceman has thrown in the towel as a result of losing his job thanks to Gordon Campbell's HST. I'll leave his blog there for a while, in case anyone wants to take a stroll through it. And, though I didn't have him on the blogroll, another great Canadian blogger, The Torch, has pulled the plug. The good ones always die young. Good thing I'm bad. The proprietor of The Torch shows up guest blogging at other places, though, such as Unambiguously Ambidextrous and SDA. And speaking of Unambig, he's taking the plunge into professional journalism. The world needs more journalists like him. You know. The honest kind. The ones who are not afraid to call a spade and spade. Good luck, Adrian and Godspeed!



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