Sunday, July 25, 2010

Flopping Aces Takes on Old Memes

I don't remember when or why I stopped reading Flopping Aces on a regular basis. It was a great blog. Perhaps there were just too many. In any case, I'm glad I accidently stumbled upon him yesterday, cause today I discovered a list of oldies but goodies on his front page. They are goodies that competently address several of the questions that became controversial during the Iraq war. Here they are:

The Truth On The Iraq/al-Qaeda Connections

Saddam's WDM Program and Site 555

KEY POINTS Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Phase II investigation report on pre-war Iraq Intel

Did President Bush link Saddam Hussein to 9/11?

Were We Greeted As "Liberators"?

Anywho, today Aces is going up on my American Blogs list. It's time for an overhaul and clean up of that list in any case. And I shall not ignore him again.

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