Monday, August 23, 2010

And Now, More For the "Sky is Falling"...

...Chicken Littles of the AGW religion:

12 More Glaciers That Haven't Heard the News About Global Warming
"The glaciers are melting! The glaciers are melting! The glaciers are…uhhhhh…never mind."
Let me see, now. Does this qualify as climate or is it just weather.

And another AGW scientist backs off.
"It's been an interesting year for climate scientist Judith Curry, who after Climategate split with most of her peers and called for reform in the climate science community. She did this most publicly via a letter published by Climate Audit, a noted skeptic web site. Curry called for more transparency in climate research.

Since that time progressive climate sites have begun to increasingly attack Curry."
That's right. Attack the messenger when you haven't got the science.
"Finally, a weather person has mentioned the word “blocking” when talking about the heat and fires in Moscow. It’s a natural event as the world shifts from the warming trend of the 1990s to a cooling trend since 2000. Distortion of reality about global temperatures continues with warming claims while Western North America, most of Eurasia and large areas of the southern hemisphere report below normal temperatures. It’s been the coldest summer on record north of 80°N latitude and rate of sea ice melt continues to decrease.

Recently the Peruvian government declared a state of emergency as hundreds of people died from the coldest temperatures in 50 years.

Fifty years ago there was a cooling trend as global temperatures declined from 1940 to 1980. It troubled promoters of human CO2 as the cause of global warming. During the cooling period, CO2 from human activity increased the most in human history. They tried to solve the problem by plugging variables into the models until results equaled what was happening. It has nothing to do with reality, but allows them to claim their models work because they recreate past conditions. It’s even better if the cause has a human source. In the 1940–80 cooling, they added sulfates. Trouble is sulfate additions continued but global temperatures began to rise.

Obsession with finding human causes means they ignore what we know about natural mechanisms. Failure to include natural mechanisms is complicated by lack of knowledge or understanding of weather and climate mechanisms by most involved in the politics of climate science."
And trust the Greens to keep flogging a failed strategy while stepping ever so closer to the multi-culti abyss.

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