Monday, July 19, 2010

This Is Me

Every time I do this little quiz, I come out in a slightly different place. Does that mean I'm not sure who I am or is it that I'm influenced by events of the day? In any case, I'm always in the Libertarian territory and close to the Conservative side, which I think is what real conservatism is all about. To be free, we need "law and order".

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Blogger Indigo Red said...

I'm right there with you. "Libertarians support maximum liberty in both personal and economic matters."

The problems with Libertarianism is (1) "maximum liberty" rarely allows majority agreement on anything, hence, nothing gets done; (2) where does my max liberty stop and where does yours begin, it ignores the aphorism that good fences make good neighbors.

Libertarianism in practice strikes me as anarchy with a conscience.

July 19, 2010 2:00 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

Libertarianism in practice strikes me as anarchy with a conscience.
Funny you should say that. Not too long ago, just a day or so after the G20 meeting in Toronto, there was a nasty dog fight about libertarianism on several of the right leaning Canadian blogs. Some guy (a prominent Canadian blogger) had been stopped by the police in Toronto on the Monday following the meeting and was asked to show the contents of his bag, at the same time as yet another protest march was going on not far away. He was talking on a cell phone at the time and was within view of some of the protester's activities.

Although he did allow the police to look into his sack, he went ballistic and went into a big rant about it. The rightosphere went into meltdown over whether he was right to bitch about it, even though he was well within his legal right to refuse.

Personally, if I was a leftie idiot marching in a protest down the streets of a major city, I'd take some comfort in the fact that the police had inspected the bags of everyone in the protest who might have been carrying a bag. Way better than taking a chance that you might be marching beside a sploddy-dope, if you ask me. After all, sploddy-dopes are looking for maximum exposure and what better place to do that than in a massive crowd when the whole world is watching.

Of course, protesters these days, haven't got enough brain cells to figure that out.

Anyway, it was at that moment that it dawned on me that there isn't too much space between a libertarian and an anarchist.

July 19, 2010 3:08 pm  

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