Friday, April 16, 2010

And Still...

...their brothers-in-corruption dip their fingers into the FNUC's operating funds.

How much are band chiefs earning? On the Enoch Cree Nation, with a population of 2,701 people it's $250,000 a year!! Tax free!!!! And who decides how much they earn? Why, they do that themselves, of course. Do they make that information publicly available, as required by law? Hell no.

What does the average band member on the Enoch Cree Nation make? About $12,770.

How much does the Alberta Premier make? $214,000/yr, all taxes and deductions applied. And he serves over 3,300,000 people!

Ron Breakenridge @ 4/14/2010 10:46:00 PM
"We need help. There's corruption going on here. Nobody's doing anything about it."
This is as farcical as a community of less than 3,000 calling themselves a "nation". When will Canada end this lunacy?

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