Saturday, September 19, 2009

A Pox On Everyone Cont'd

UPDATE: Yes. Shawn Alteo gets it. This is how you do it, Manitoba chiefs. You sit down and talk:
"Like so many of our communities there are excellent efforts happening on the ground, hard-working frontline health workers, and this effort is about listening to each other and to work closely with one another. Our people deserve this."
Learn from your wiser brother.
Body bag backlash continues: Sep 17

Except Shawn Alteo (@ 1:17 in the video clip at the link above). He seems to be the only leader who actually gets it. I'm liking this man more and more. But, what he's suggesting is not just contrary to the treaties, of course (isn't everything?). After all health care is supposedly a treaty right and it's the feds who are supposed to deliver it, but it wouldn't serve the Indian Industry. As the Manitoba chief's bullshit so clearly illustrates, they need it that way so they can take innocent matters, inject their preconceived, prejudiced distortions into them, go ballistic and get all kinds of people up in arms like a bunch of automatons.

And on cue, as you can see by the words of nearly everyone in the clip, MPs, federal government officials and even, surprise, surprise, news anchors, is knuckling under like good little PC trained puppets. Indian chiefs whine. Everyone drops to their knees and says: "Aye, aye captain. All of us are at fault but you." Yet none of them, not a single one has taken the time to investigate the issue. Asking questions to get at the actual facts of the matter is out of the question. Had the chief or anyone else done that, it wouldn't be nearly as easy to treat this as an callous act of racism, and we can't have that, can we. Not only that, but some of those chiefs and community members may actually learn a thing or two about public health practices and procedures which would inch them closer to being independent and self-governing, as Shawn Alteo so astutely observed.



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