Shoot First, Ask Questions Later
Yesterday, smelling an opportunity to strike one for the Indian Industry, Manitoba's chiefs were all over this one like a dirty shirt. Even our idiotic leader of the Liberal Party and other politicos capitalized on it. Indeed, it made headlines in the international press.
Turns out, of course, that there was nothing to it other than, oh the horrors, "insensitivity". I mean how could we be so callous as to restock supplies and prepare for a flu epidemic at the very same time. What's wrong with us??!!!
And so of course, expect the machinery of perpetual grievance to extract copious apologies from compliant minions in government offices who will in turn go looking for someone to take the fall.
Look folks, and this includes not just the chiefs but most especially you members of the main stream media who lapped up the chief's version lock, stock and barrel. I have something to say to you. Not only would a few phone calls to the Department of Health have given you all the answers you needed so you could have put the whole phony scandal into the proper perspective but THAT sort of thorough investigation should have been done before going rushing to the the airwaves and the press room with what you thought could be the juiciest scandal of the week?
Shame on the chiefs for race huckstering yet again. Shame on the media for not bothering to question the oh-so-predictable assumptions made by the chiefs. And shame on the opportunistic Liberal Party for using it as election fodder and vote buying.
And pardon me for the "insensitive" pun, but - a pox on all your houses.
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