Who Didn't See...
Alberta environment minister faces questions over work on protest book
Wildrose charges NDP energy minister's top staffer was anti-pipeline lobbyist
Wildrose proposes lower small business tax rate
Like that will happen.
Wildrose brings the FUNK in attack on environment minister’s past
"If all goes according to plan, Alberta’s first legislative sitting under an NDP government will wrap up Thursday afternoon.[---]
We will have survived.
The government didn’t nationalize the oilsands or add the hammer and sickle to the province’s coat or arms. MLAs didn’t sing Solidarity Forever at the start of each day and the Alberta Legislature didn’t tilt so far left that it slid into the North Saskatchewan River.
The government’s critics, of course, will say just give it time."
"It was a remarkably short sitting — eight days — just long enough for the government to put an end to political donations from corporations and unions, increase taxes on the wealthy and corporations, and pass an interim supply bill to keep the lights on until the fall when Finance Minister Joe Ceci will introduce a new budget."
Labels: Alberta, Canadian politics, NDP
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