Sunday, February 08, 2015

Thank You Brad Wall

Saskatchewan premier, cabinet take wage freeze
"Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall says he and his cabinet ministers are taking a wage freeze to help address revenue challenges brought about by slumping oil prices.

Wall says the wage freeze also applies to senior government officials and other non-unionized executives, such as Crown corporation and health region employees.

He says the move is for one year and is expected to save $15 million."

Premier answers; ‘Where did all the money go?’
"“The answer’s clear,” Wall asserted by phone on Friday, pulling no punches in criticizing Broten’s assessment of his government’s performance.

“We’ve paid off the debt by $3 billion, we’ve invested $6 billion in infrastructure since 2007 -- that is double what the NDP invested in their same period of time in office,” Wall noted.

“We have cut the income tax by historic levels -- the same with education property tax.”

Pausing from his list, Wall noted; “We’re looking forward to this debate, if Mr. Broten wants to ask the question.”

One of Broten’s go-to points in recent months has been his criticism that more front line service workers are required in the province’s health-care system.

Wall says it’s a confusing argument, given the Sask. Party has increased front line health-care workers by almost 2,600 since taking power in 2007."

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