Thursday, November 06, 2014

About Damn Time

Conservatives propose increasing legal marriage age to 16, say it will keep ‘barbaric cultural practices’ out of Canada
"The government is proposing to set 16 as the national age of marriage in legislation introduced in the House of Commons on Wednesday that it says will help keep “barbaric cultural practices” out of Canada.

The bill tabled by Chris Alexander, the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, targets early forced marriages as well as polygamy, which the legislation would make grounds for deportation.

The Zero Tolerance for Barbaric Cultural Practices Act would make it a criminal offence to participate in or officiate at the marriage of an underage child. Removing a child from Canada for the purposes of forced marriage would also be criminalized.

The Justice department has also asked the provinces to have judges sign off on marriages involving those between the ages of 16 and adulthood. Currently only parental consent is required and the minimum age for marriage varies by province and, by some interpretations, is as low as seven."
As low as seven!! Wow!!!! I didn't know that. My granddaughters are close to that age. I can't imagine them being married. They're too lippy, for one thing.

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Blogger Unknown said...

"Zero Tolerance for Barbaric Cultural Practices Act"
Wow, there's a mouthful. Gee, I wonder who they have in mind. Are they going to flip out about being associated with what are called 'Barbaric Cultural Practices'? Are the Liberals and NDP going to go nuts to complain and therefore get the barbarian vote? Just how many old school Mormans do they think they have in this country? (:<))

November 06, 2014 4:02 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

You've got it right about the Liberals and the NDP

November 06, 2014 5:34 pm  

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