The Liberal Party...
Marc Garneau Sows Confusion Ahead Of Iraq Combat Mission Vote
"The man tasked with selling the Liberals' position on the upcoming combat mission in Iraq found himself on the defensive Tuesday. Foreign affairs critic Marc Garneau sowed confusion about the Grits' decision-making as he tried to distance himself from comments he made earlier.Psst! Libs. We will remember.
Speaking to CBC's "Power & Politics" Monday, Garneau told host Evan Solomon that Liberal vote against the Tories’ six-month combat mission against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) would be whipped.
"This is a whipped vote, there's no question about it. This is really a very, very important vote for each of the parties," Garneau said.
Tuesday, however, Garneau told The Huffington Post Canada the vote would, in fact, not be whipped.
"No, there is no need to whip the vote, because we all of us discussed it last Wednesday and we are all in agreement with the position that we have taken," he responded.
Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau himself sidestepped the question, saying the party would vote against the motion “in a unanimous way.”
But four Liberals did not show up for the vote Tuesday evening. They included: P.E.I. MP Lawrence MacAulay, Ottawa MP Mauril Bélanger and Montreal MPs Stéphane Dion and Irwin Cotler.
MacAulay was out of town during the vote, but his office told The Huffington Post Canada he would have "absolutely" voted with the party, adding he is "completely supportive" of Trudeau's stance on the combat mission."
Labels: Liberal Party, parliament, war
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