NAZI Pelosi Going Down
Embattled House Democrats Turn Against Nancy Pelosi
"House Republicans have surprising new company in attacking Nancy Pelosi: her fellow House Democrats.
Three Democrats running in GOP-leaning House districts have used late-stage television ads in a bid to distance themselves from the liberal leader of Democrats' House caucus—the same caucus they're fighting to join in 2015."
Even Liberals Booed Pelosi Off Stage As She Defended Obama
"House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) was booed off stage last week—by liberals.
Pelosi defended President Obama’s position on the NSA’s surveillance programs, and suggested that leaker Edward Snowden broke the law by whistleblowing. The congresswoman’s defense of spying was not well received.
“People on the far right are saying ‘Oh, this is the fourth term of President Bush,’” Pelosi said. “Absolutely, positively not so.”
Pelosi then advocated for a greater cooperation between security and privacy agencies.
But the audience did not care for her rhetoric. Several audience members were removed from the room after objecting to Pelosi’s speech.
“It’s not balance. It’s not constitutional! No secret laws!” yelled Marc Perkel. He was immediately carried out by security personnel.
The audience then came to the defense of Perkel. “That’s what a police state looks like right there,” they yelled.
But the tone became even more heated as Pelosi began to defend the Obama administration’s handling of the Edward Snowden scandal."
Why Did This MTV Star Say Nancy Pelosi is ‘a Special Breed of Idiot’?
"On Monday, California Communist Democrat Nancy Pelosi made the preposterous and laughable (even for Pelosi) claim that Democrats never treated George W. Bush the same way that Republicans are treating Obama.Nancy Pelosi Reminds America that She is Super Rich
Of course, Pelosi is correct, Democrats didn’t treat Bush the “same way” Republicans are treating Obama, who should have been impeached for his egregious multiple constitutional violations years ago. Democrats treated Bush much worse than Republicans ever dreamed of treating Obama, as partially documented HERE."
"Remember when the “Occupy” movement was going strong and ravaging our nation’s cities? They kept talking about how the 1% (or rich) were ruining everything and enslaving the people. These same Occupy protesters found vocal supporters in the Democrat Party, and because of that the Occupy indigents gave their votes to the Democrats in 2012. Sadly for the Occupy dummies, the Democrat Party is the Party of the Rich. (And we have proof.)"
Labels: Americans, Democrats, Nancy Pelosi, Yanky politics
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