Let's Hear It For Saskatchewan!!!!!
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Whoopie!! Political correctness takes another hit:
Sask. judges don't follow Supreme Court's direction on aboriginals, says retired B.C. judge
"A retired judge from British Columbia aimed strong words at Saskatchewan judges for failing to follow the direction of the Supreme Court of Canada in dealing with aboriginal offenders.
In a presentation to a Saskatchewan Legal Aid conference last week, Judge Cunliff Barnett said judges in this province are often "reluctant" to acknowledge the decisions of the Supreme Court in the Gladue and Ipeelee cases, which directed judges to consider the historical and personal circumstances of aboriginal offenders during sentencing and bail hearings.
"I really think the judiciary in Saskatchewan has been really slow to educate itself," Barnett said in an interview. "I do think judges in Saskatchewan have been reluctant, and I think it's past time for the judges to do some learning."
He highlighted the recent case of Trevor Machiskinic - a young aboriginal man serving a jail sentence for beating his cousin with a baseball bat. Machiskinic's sentence is currently under appeal.
"One might say that Trevor is (unfortunately) a 'poster child' for Gladue principled sentencing," Barnett told the Legal Aid lawyers, according to speaking notes he supplied to The StarPhoenix."
Labels: courts, justice system, political correctness, Saskatchewan
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