Perhaps All Is Not Lost...
"A social media viral campaign has sprung up in the Arab world that involves burning the Isis flag.I hope this virus spreads.
The trend started after three Lebanese youths posted pictures of them burning the flag associated with the militant group, also known as Islamic State, in the middle of Sassine Square in Beirut.
Soon afterwards, a Lebanese YouTube user uploaded a video of himself burning a flag. Similar to the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge in which people choose others to their do own videos, the user nominated "the whole world " to take part in the #BurnISISFlagChallenge.
The campaign soon went viral, especially in Lebanon following the beheading of one of the country's soldiers by IS."
Labels: Arab Spring, Arabs, Islamism, Lebanon, technology
"I hope this virus spreads."
You meant 'viral', right?
Nope. I meant virus. Perhaps a bit of a play on words, but that's what I meant.
In this case, it is a good 'virus'
Yes, but I'm now holding my breath.
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