Thursday, August 14, 2014


...his feewings have been hurt:

Groups rally around think tank, publication being sued for global warming views
"News outlets, advocacy groups and fellow think tanks are jumping to the defense of a conservative-leaning D.C. policy center and publication being sued for libel by a scientist who didn't like what they had to say about his work on global warming.Michael Mann, a prominent professor of meteorology at Pennsylvania State University, has long been a target of climate change skeptics for his work claiming temperatures have risen dramatically in recent decades, and has sued before when groups tried to debunk his data.

But this time, Mann is being accused of going too far with his case against the Competitive Enterprise Institute, National Review and others. Critics say the suit threatens to violate constitutionally protected rights to opinion and fair comment, particularly in an area of scientific debate."



Blogger SnoopyTheGoon said...

What do you know? Scientific lawfare too now? Anything for a fistful of global warming...

August 21, 2014 12:26 pm  

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