Thursday, June 12, 2014

Guns & Logic

Not exactly guns and roses.

One Map Shows How Devastating U.S. Gun Violence Is Compared to the World

"The researchers found “a strong and statistically significant association between gun availability and homicide rates.”"
"There are plenty of countries with higher rates of gun violence than the U.S. — Honduras’ homicide rate is 22 times higher than America’s, even though Honduras has one-twelfth as many guns per person. The key is looking at wealthy industrialized countries, where violent crime rates are generally much lower.

What it means: This relationship between gun ownership and homicides is one of the reasons the U.S. has seen 74 school shootings since the Newtown tragedy — one every seven days."
But, oh no. We have a right to bear arms because the other fella has a right to bear arms.

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