Yay Canada!!!
Canada’s oil-rich provinces not only best in nation for economic performance, they are best in world: Conference Board
Good to see the Newfies among them.
"Canada scores highly on economic growth and employment growth, although “poor grades on labour productivity as well as inward and outward foreign direct investment raise concerns about long-term prosperity,” the report cautions."[---]
"Ontario, Prince Edward Island and British Columbia score B grades, putting them alongside Switzerland, Germany and the United Kingdom. Manitoba and Quebec were given C grades."Hmmmm. I wonder way Manitoba and Quebec scored so low? /sarc
"The Conference Board report predicts Alberta and Saskatchewan will continue to “dominate” its economic performance report card in the coming years, continuing to “record lower unemployment rates than the rest of Canada and stronger growth than the peer countries as the eurozone continues its long and painful recovery.”"
Yay, Saskatchewwan!
Labels: Canada, oil, Quebec, Saskatchewan
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