Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Truth Will Out

Petraeus Bombshell: The Administration Censored The Benghazi Truth
"The Benghazi terror attacks were a concerted, organized attack by terror cells on the United States. It happened on 9/11 of 2012. It was, in a sense, the second volley of 9/11. Only this time, Mr. Obama was president, and he betrayed us all every step of the way, intentionally, for weeks."
"...through the month of September, we were beside ourselves with the way the administration handled the attacks. First, they blamed the freedom of speech. Then, they “detained” the supposed director of a video making fun of Muhammad. Then, it turns out they essentially had originally forced the Marines and the ex-SEALs in the area to leave, requiring our ambassador to Libya be grossly undefended, before the attacks even began. Rand Paul correctly asked, “Where the hell were the Marines?”

But now, news is coming out that is worse than everything else, because it shows that this wasn’t just incompetent leadership. It was something darker and more sinister. General David Petraeus has testified that he knew the attacks were terror all along, but “someone” in the administration censored his message. In other words, the attacks on the video and the claims it was a “spontaneous riot” weren’t just wrong — they were lies."
"Considering Obama met with his security staff within minutes of the attacks, and that he obviously would keep up with his CIA director’s view of an attack that was plastering the news for weeks, this means only one thing: Obama intentionally tried to cover up the terror attack as just being a protest."
"...we’ve been lied to, they’ve been busted, and people need to lose their jobs over this."

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