Every Once In A While...
Yesterday, I heard this story on the radio, but the report mentioned "Onion Lake", not Onion Lake First Nation, and I thought to myself, I'll bet the perps were from the reserve nearby, but political correctness kept the media from revealing that detail. Now, low and behold, the CBC actually states right up front that the perps were indeed from the Onion Lake First Nation.
And good for the chief!
"The Chief of Onion Lake told CBC News he was sorry to hear about what happened to Meise.
Wallace Fox said he plans to get in touch with the hiker.
He said he hopes the actions of a few people don't damage the image of his community, and said he wanted to replace Meise's gear."
Labels: CBC, crime, Indian Industry
"He said he hopes the actions of a few people don't damage the image of his community, and said he wanted to replace Meise's gear."
It would have been much better if the Chief had added, "...and we're going to find the thief and prosecute him." But he didn't. The thief gets a free pass, apparently. Can we imagine the contrasting uproar from The Usual Suspects if some white criminal had robbed an Indian?
The radio station I was listening to went into this story in considerable depth.
The victim himself, is of Aboriginal ancestry, and when interviewed was bending over backwards to make excuses and whatnot - mostly along the lines of "don't stereotype".
In my ever so humble opinion, that's a big part of the problem. Until you admit there is a problem, it will never be solved.
Of course, crime statistics can and have been, many, many times, pressed into service by The Industry when said industry wants to blame the evil Whiteman, but God forbid, a Whiteman cite the same stats.
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