Global Warming Movement...
The Continuing Collapse of the Global Warming Hoax
"The Russians were fed up with the usual behind-closed-doors proceedings that create such treaties, but no doubt they were well aware that the treaty would empower the UN to govern a large portion of economic activity around the world. All UN treaties require nations to surrender some aspect of their national sovereignty.I hope some heads will roll, but I'm not holding my breath.
There is clearly a backlash against the global warming hoax, particularly from nations that have discovered the costs to their economies that idiotic "renewable" energy schemes and emissions reductions incur. In the real world, they are experiencing longer, harsher winters as the result of the cooling cycle the Earth has been in for the last seventeen years!
Despite President Obama's incessant claims that the Earth is heating, scientists in both Russia and China have been publishing data from scientific studies disputing the Big Lie of global warming/climate change."
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