Thursday, June 06, 2013

Canucks And Yanks

We ain't the same. No siree.


Oh. And that milk in bags thing. Never seen it west of Ontario.

And I do like this one:
"July 1st, to celebrate the opposite of independence day. A great excuse to shoot off fireworks, drink beer, and take a trip to Ottawa to see a half-million drunken idiots in the street."
He, he, he.

And this:
"One would think that once it’s warm in a Canadian city (read: July) the streets would be crowded with people, everybody would be ready to go out, and it would generally be easy to make plans to enjoy the rare nice weather. One would be wrong. Basically everybody who has lived in Canada their whole lives has access to some kind of cottage near a lake, which is essentially a small, shitty house with maybe one working bathroom and lots of spiders."

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Blogger SnoopyTheGoon said...

Why would anyone claim that Canucks and Yanks are the same?

A person what measures distance in miles and feet will never be the same as a normal one...

June 07, 2013 6:39 am  

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