Sunday, April 14, 2013

Well, At Long Last

I'd never thought we'd see the day when China is actually cited as a major spewer of CO2, but here it is:

Feeling the heat of global warming
"China, the world's largest producer of carbon dioxide, is directly feeling the man-made heat of global warming, Canadian and Chinese scientists conclude in the first study to link the burning of fossil fuels to one country's rise in its daily temperature spikes.

China emits more of the greenhouse gas than the next two biggest carbon polluters - the United States and India - combined. And its emissions keep soaring by about 10 per cent per year."
"Those spikes, which often occur in late afternoon and the early morning, are what scientists say most affect people's health, plants and animals. People don't notice changes in averages, but they feel it when the daily high is hotter or when it doesn't cool off at night to let them recover from a sweltering day.

The study by Chinese and Canadian researchers found that just because of greenhouse gases, daytime highs rose 0.9 degree C in the 46 years up to 2007. At night it was even worse: Because of greenhouse gases, the daily lows went up about 1.7 degrees C."
I wonder how Beijing lets them get away with that? Maybe because the research was done in Canada:
"'It is way above what you would expect from normal fluctuations of climate," study author Xuebin Zhang, a research scientist with Environment Canada. "It is quite clear and can be attributed to greenhouse gases.'"
Cue leftards now. This has got to be part of "Harper's Hidden Agenda".

I hope Mr Xuebin Zhang has no relatives in China.

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