Friday, April 05, 2013

Be Back Soon

Had a minor emergency which had to be fixed.

I.E. - my fridge died (may it rest in peace). Had to throw some moldy food out, but that was it. Had to buy ice and fill every possible container that was big enough with ice cubes to store the food while I was waiting for the new one to be delivered. And I was planning on buying new kitchen appliances anyway.

I'm still trying to figure out the best way to arrange all the stuff in the frig, and the number of "options" for which there is a setting on the oven is waaay overboard. I feel like I'm trying to navigate the Space Shuttle. What ever happened to simplicity?

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Anonymous MaxEd said...

In re: appliances, a person actually has to ask up front for the model with the least bells and whistles, otherwise you end up with umpteen functions you'll never use. Oh, unless you plan to sell your house, appliances included: then the bells and whistles may help.

April 06, 2013 3:00 pm  
Blogger Dave in Pa. said...

I'm with MaxEd on this. The less whistles & bells, the lower the price and the less to break down, with resulting expensive service calls. I can fill my own ice trays and water pitchers and I sure as hell don't want an appliance that talks to me!

April 08, 2013 7:26 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

One thing I did not want and made sure I didn't get was one of those automatic ice cube creators/dispensers.

An appliance that talks???? What does it say? Is it polite? Is it programmed to speak the five languages that the manual comes in?

One thing for sure, if the manual is any indication, it must be programmed to say "Warning" every five seconds. Seems that manual to every appliance I've bought in the last couple of years is printed in three languages, at the very least, and the word "WARNING" is plastered all over it.

I figure someone somewhere had one accident due to his or her own stupidity, and now all these manufacturers are required to post warnings in their product's manual. In any case, it's overkill and I'm not paying it any attention.

Progress report: I think I have the frig mastered and as for the stove, I think I'll read the relevant section of the manual, as and when I intend to use it for whatever purpose. I have the elements on top figured out, but the oven is, thus far, terra incognito.

April 09, 2013 8:13 am  

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