Canada only UN member to pull out of droughts and deserts convention
And maybe, just maybe, they are signalling their intentions about the UN in general and their beliefs about the whole climate hysteria propagated by leftards and greenies. (Oh, I forgot. Leftards and greenies? That's the same thing.)
(More about the Sahel region.)
In the meantime, we're bracing for another big one.
"Four Saskatchewan cabinet ministers are going to oversee the province's preparations for and response to any spring flooding.There's nothing 'global' about this.
Government Relations Minister Jim Reiter, who is also responsible for the disaster assistance program, will chair the committee.
Reiter says preparations to deal with the spring melt and potential flooding problems are well underway.
The Ministry of Highways already has emergency flood trailers, signs, barricades and other equipment on standby.
The Water Security Agency also announced that it is releasing more water from the Boundary, Rafferty and Alameda reservoirs to make more space for spring runoff.
The agency has warned of above-normal or well-above-normal spring runoff in almost all of the southern half of the province and very high runoff in areas between Indian Head and Moose Jaw and between Saskatoon and Prince Albert."[Emphasis mine.]
Labels: climate change, Conservative Party, global warming, Harper's hidden agenda, Indian Head
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