Looking Considerably Refreshed...
And this is sweet, isn't it:
"Although Mr. Nepinak said Manitoba chiefs “take exception” with being characterized as a “dissident group of chiefs,” several Manitoba leaders raised the spectre of ousting Mr. Atleo when they caucused at the First Nations meeting in Ottawa this month, Grand Chief Harper said.That sound you hear is the toilet flushing. At least they're not so stupid that they don't recognize they've painted themselves into a corner and there has been, pardon the pun, a circling of the wagons.
Specifically, he said Grand Chief Murray Clearsky, who speaks for the province’s southern chiefs, said there should be a non-confidence vote. Mr. Clearsky did not personally respond to several requests for comment, but his political assistant, Gerald McIvor, said “all conversations between the Grand Chief and any southern chiefs are confidential and are kept privileged.”"
Labels: Canadian politics, First Nations, gong shows, Indian Industry, Nothing to See Here Folks
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