Sunday, November 25, 2012

I Wonder...

...If they find he died of AIDS, will that be admitted? Did Suha do it?

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Blogger Dave in Pa. said...

Technically speaking, a person doesn't die from AIDS. AIDS destroys the victim's immune system, leaving the victim defenseless against diseases that otherwise the victim would not have contracted or, if contracted, would have fought off, had the victim had a healthy immune system. The victim dies of those disease(s), not AIDS per se. That's why certain AIDS-related diseases, such as the very malignant cancer Karposi's Sarcoma, were rare prior to the era of AIDS.

This may give the examining medical authorities a figleaf of cover. They could avoid the subject of AIDS altogether and state the literal cause(s) of death. The fact that Arafat would not have contracted the cause(s) or would have successfully fought the cause(s) off had he had a healthy immune system can be diplomatically stepped around. Oh, and let's not forget the schweinhundt was 75 years old when he died. Even murderous old bastards have a more or less normal natural life span.

(NEXT COMMENT: Britain's Case One)

November 25, 2012 9:51 am  
Blogger Dave in Pa. said...


Here, from memory, is my recollection of a fascinating article I read in either the London Times or the London Daily Telegraph some years back. (Ain't the Internet grand?! Thanks to The Goracle's invention, we're only a few mouse clicks away from knowledge around the world!)

The AIDS epidemic began to hit Britain in the mid 80's, as it did in much of Europe and North America. Doctors were greatly puzzled about this disease and it's epidemiology. One of the things that medical authorities try to do with any apparently communicable disease is to trace it's history of cases in the population group being studied. This was done in Britain, as well as elsewhere. When possible, the medical authorities try to get back to "Case One", the first verified case of the disease in the population group being studied.

In Canada, the first AIDS case, Case One, was a gay French-Canadian airline steward, a very promiscuous homosexual, who was infected with the AIDS virus in homosexual contact in Europe, during his airline travels. But I digress...

There was in the mid 80's a very distinguished senior physician in London, who had spent his entire medical career in London. He was participating in this medical work on this new killer disease. An old case way back at the beginning of his medical career popped up in his memory...

This doctor, who's name escapes me now, had gone to medical school in London at a medical school which also had it's own teaching hospital. In 1948 or 49, he was either a senior medical student or an intern working at that hospital.

An indigent British merchant seaman was brought to that hospital from the Port of London, deathly ill from not one but several very rare and deadly diseases, including, if my memory serves, the prior-to-AIDS rare and deadly cancer Karposi's Sarcoma. The middle-aged merchant seaman had spent all the previous decades basically on the same tramp steamer, making Britain to Africa and back runs with cargo to and from Britain and various African ports.

The seaman was considered a tremendous statistical aberration with his combination of rare deadly diseases. There wasn't much that medicine could do for the poor man, although they tested the hell out of the man, taking many blood and tissue samples for study. They could only ease the seaman's pain and suffering and he died in that London teaching hospital. For safety reasons, his body was cremated.

The prominent senior physician, at that time a senior medical student or intern, was involved in the treatment of that unfortunate seaman with the mysterious diseases. On the seaman's death, an obscure medical paper was written by somebody about this incredibly unusual case, and his patient file and all records were filed away and forgotten.

Then, we fast forward four decades to the 80's and the new AIDS epidemic. This now senior and prominent physician, was involved with his medical peers in researching and attempting to find successful treatments for the victims of this new epidemic.

Then, he got to thinking one day...back to that very strange case back at the beginning of his career, so uncannily like AIDS in it's effects...

To make a long story short, the doctor had the old patient records searched for at the London teaching hospital and they found the seaman's file AND the preserved slides of his blood and tissue samples. These slides were then re-examined by several experts under modern microscopes and electron microscopes. Lo and behold, the patient had AIDS! In 1948 or '49! This long-dead British merchant seaman was Britain's Case One of AIDS.

It's believed that the seaman, like many of his fellow seamen, availed himself of the cheap, readily available prostitutes when in African ports and that he probably contracted the AIDS by heterosexual contact with an African female prostitute, as AIDS in Africa is almost entirely transmitted by heterosexual contact.

November 25, 2012 10:41 am  

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