Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Yup. Even The NDP's Staunchest Allies...

...seem to believe the NDP has a serious problem. The author of this piece, Murray Mandryk, in the Leader Post is a died in the wool leftard, too:

NDP can't be an exclusive club
"To better understand the rather visceral reaction to the Saskatchewan NDP that's clearly out there, consider a relatively innocuous comment from NDP leadership hopeful Erin Weir..."
But even he doesn't get it.

So Murray, here it is: To put it simply, everything the NDP has done in the past 70 years has turned into an unmitigated disaster, and everything the NDP believes is bankrupt old, worn-out stereotypes that only old goat dinosaurs and university professors could believe in and continue to promote. That includes you, Mandryk.

If and when the NDP ever figures that out, it will cease to exist simply because it forms the core of their identity and legacy. As I said before, might as well end it now, because we already have a party with new ideas, ideas not weighted down by a legacy of disaster but rather ideas that have proven over and over and over that they work. Ideas based on logic and real evidence, not ideology.

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