Monday, July 16, 2012

That Explains a Lot

Alzheimer's Disease: Exercise May Reduce 'Senior Moments'

I sit in front of this little boob-tube waaaay too much, and I suffer from "Senior Moments" all the time. Just walking from one room to another is enough to erase the gray cells that contain the purpose of my entering the room. I've taken to writing things down when I think of them, and taking the little scraps of paper with me when I wander into another room. Until now, though, I thought there must be some sort of force field that erases memory as one passes through a doorway.

I suppose I should take heart that global warming isn't being blamed. I'm sure there's a grant somewhere, for the taking, for anyone who can design and conduct research that finds a link.

I also suppose I should be grateful old age is still associated with treachery.

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