Saturday, July 21, 2012

One Week Away...

...from the 20th Olympiad, and the politics has already begun. Some are calling for a moment of silence in memory of the 11 Israeli athletes who were murdered in the 1972 Olympics, by, of course, Palestinian terrorists. But, so far, it looks like it will be business as usual. Of course, this won't stop athletes from individual countries from making a statement of one kind or another. I hope Canada's team will be sporting Israeli insignia, flags, etc. as well as Canadian ones while they are there.

And remember the good old days, when the Soviet Union used to send male athletes to compete in female events, you know those husky women with the five o'clock shadow of their faces and rather unusual body shapes for women. Well, it looks like perhaps the Saudis are going to have to do the same thing.
"Saudi Arabia’s pledge to send women to the London 2012 Olympics might fail because the country has little prospects of finding athletes who meet international standards.

According to a Saudi newspaper, what slim prospects the nation had of qualifying women are gone and Saudi Arabia will only send men.

“We are still trying to find women to qualify,” an embassy official told the BBC today. “The problem is finding women to meet the minimum criteria. This matter is being negotiated now between the (International Olympic Committee) and the Saudi Olympic committee.”"
Betcha there will be lots of female athletes among the Israeli Apartheid (cough, hack, hack) Team (/sarc) though.

In the meantime, look for the Olympic Committee to lower its standards so the Sauds can participate.

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Blogger Dave in Pa. said...

I'd love to see a Saudi woman swimmer, doing the 400 meter in a burqa for a bathing suit. Ditto for a woman gymnast on the parallel bars. Makes for quite a picture, eh!

July 22, 2012 10:31 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

To name only two. The high jump might be pretty interesting, too.

Too bad they don't have sack races. Don't they have some sort of demonstration sport at each Olympics? Maybe that's where Saudi women could excel. (smirk).

July 27, 2012 2:30 pm  

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