Saturday, June 23, 2012

Unions in Crisis?

Maybe if they stuck to their original purpose, they might have a better chance of survival. Look at this:

It could be hike-dues-or-die time for federal union
"One of Canada’s largest federal unions could face extinction as an independent organization unless its members accept a 42-per-cent dues increase to forestall a financial crisis triggered by the Conservatives’ job cuts."
Too bad. So sad.

Or this:

Caw tackles social issues to boost ranks: Union steps in to pro-choice debate

Are you telling me that each and every member of the CAW is pro-choice? Or those that aren't are okay with their money going to support that cause?

Or this:

Elections Canada orders NDP to pay back some union sponsorships at convention
"For the second time in a year, the NDP has run afoul of political financing laws.

Elections Canada has ordered the NDP to pay back money it collected from unions who sponsored events at the party's national convention last year.

The party, which has criticized the Conservative government for a lack of transparency, offered no details on how much it paid back or to whom."

And this is just hilarious:

Public sector sick days cost $1B a year

From the CBC, yet! Whose annual budget costs the taxpayer the same amount and a bit more, if you call $100,000,000 a "bit more".

And this?

Unions see benefit to open membership
"Two of Canada's biggest unions are considering opening member-ship to everyone, including the unemployed and retired, when they merge. A committee working on the merger of the Canadian Auto Workers and the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers unions floated the proposal in a recently released report outlining the potential structure of the new union."
Let's just say they're getting desperate. Or the Union bosses want a bigger raise.

No wonder they are getting nervous:

Union bill causes stir in labour circles
"A proposed private member's bill that would compel unions to disclose their spending is causing ripples in Canada's labour community.

Bill C-377 -- put forward by Conservative MP Russ Hiebert -- would reveal how labour groups use funds collected through union dues."

Some good background reading here.

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Blogger Dave in Pa. said...

"A proposed private member's bill that would compel unions to disclose their spending is causing ripples in Canada's labour community."

Now that is a damn good idea, long overdue! Annual audits done by Auditor-General-selected outside accountants, with generally accepted accounting and records procedures required, with the annual audit report being made public!

June 25, 2012 9:53 am  
Blogger Louise said...

"Maybe if they stuck to their original purpose, they might have a better chance of survival."
On second thought, they have achieved their goals, their "original purpose".

Every province in the country has good solid legislation protecting workers from unscrupulous employers, and even the Charter of Rights and Freedoms contains a clause or two protecting the right to organize.

What we need now is legislation protecting employers from unscrupulous unions and giving workers the right to not join a union if they prefer not to. Won't happen though.

This bill is a good thing. The rank and file union member has a right to know what happens to their money. If it's going to causes they as individuals don't support, they have every right to gripe.

A union should not be donating dues money collected from its members to any cause outside of its own workers issues, and that only after the rank and file have had the opportunity to vote on which issue to support.

The best policy, IMHO, is to leave the money in the workers' pockets and let them decide which, if any, cause they wish to support with financial donations. The current arrangement stinks.

June 25, 2012 10:21 am  

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