Tuesday, March 13, 2012

In Answer, Perhaps, to One of the Questions...

...in my previous post, there is this news, this morning:

Afghan soldier shot dead in village where civilians killed
"Taliban militants opened fire Tuesday on a delegation of senior Afghan officials — including two of President Hamid Karzai's brothers — visiting villages in southern Afghanistan where a U.S. soldier is suspected of killing 16 civilians."
The Taliban control the village.
"The militants killed an Afghan soldier who was providing security for the delegation in Balandi village, said Gen. Abdul Razaq, the police chief for Kandahar province where the visit took place. Another Afghan soldier and a military prosecutor were wounded, he said."
"Before the attack on the delegation, the Taliban vowed to kill and behead those responsible for the civilian deaths in the two villages in Panjwai district, considered the birthplace of the militant group."
"The killings have caused outrage in Afghanistan but have not sparked the kind of violent protests seen last month after American soldiers burned Muslim holy books and other Islamic texts."
Or at the very least, they're certainly exploiting it:
"Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said in a statement sent to reporters Tuesday that the soldier should be tried as a war criminal and executed by the victims' relatives."
And using the gullible media:
"Photographs of dead toddlers wrapped in bloody blankets in Panjwai started to make the rounds in Afghanistan on Monday. The images were broadcast on Afghan TV stations, and people posted them on social network sites and blogs."
Nuke 'em, I say. And while we're at it, nuke the Mad Mullahs, too. And I think we should start a "Burn a Koran Day". Several times a year. Perhaps on dates that the Taliban themselves have chosen for us.

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Blogger Dave in Pa. said...

Why the hell we're apologizing to the Afghans irritates and mystifies me. We liberated them from a medieval barbaric dictatorship. We've expended blood and treasure to help them build a semblance of freedom and modernity in that benighted land. If it weren't for Western Civilization, Afghanistan would still be back in the Dark Ages.

I'm waiting for an apology from Afghanistan for:
1. enabling 9/11,
2. for their soldiers who kill Allied soldiers,
3. for their being the locus of the global heroin epidemic.

Mr. Karzai and all his fellow gangsters can go to hell, as far as I'm concerned.

March 14, 2012 10:15 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

Yup. Karzai is a coward and he knows how to protect his back.

At least part of the problem, IMHO, is this oft repeated meme that no one has ever defeated the Afghans. For one thing, it just isn't true. For another, it feeds this obsession with treating the enemy with kid gloves.

But alas, Western Civilization seems to fight wars these days with nothing else in mind but "how will this look to the folks at home". And the Taliban know this and use the Western media against us, which of course, Western media is only too happy to accommodate.

March 15, 2012 4:46 am  

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